
Part One

Dear Trinity,

I bounced a few ideas (for a post) back and forth several times this week, but feel a simple “Thank you!” to you is best for my first. Thank you for resuscitating my passion for teaching and for providing me with the opportunity to collaborate with, learn from, and teach alongside an amazing group of adults and children. Thank you for exposing me to meaningful professional development and outstanding technology. Thank you for yummy lunches. Thank you for bringing me back together with an old friend and for helping me make new ones. Thank you for showing me that there is more to Twitter than what the Kardashians are doing today.   Thank you for Helen, Ms. Em, our hilarious bunch of kiddos, and the fantastic first grade team. Thank you for supplying me with a place to flourish. For everything you’ve given me and will give me: thank you, thank you, thank you.


Hilary Daigre

Part Two

We’ve all read the research: Read to children everyday.  Well, my husband and I have read to our 15 month old daughter, Aubrey, since we brought her home from the hospital.  We have been amazed to see her flourish because of this exposure. Any of you with children have seen the same things: knowing to turn the pages one at a time, recognizing when the book is upside down, developing listening skills and a love for reading…it’s so awesome to witness! Pre-Aubrey, the only children I was around were my students, who were at least 4, and sadly, some of them didn’t possess these skills yet. Anyway, this is something that brings me joy and I wanted to share it with you.

Enjoying story time with Daddy

By Aubrey’s expression, you can tell it’s a real page turner 🙂 












Learner, Thinker, Writer: Hilary Daigre serves Trinity School as a First Grade Teacher @adamsdaigre1




7 thoughts on “Revitalized

  1. Hilary, I couldn’t agree more! This community has been so supportive every step of the way. Thank you for such an inspiring post. By the way, your daughter is adorable and so blessed to have you as a mother.

  2. Loved reading this! Aubrey is a cutie!

  3. Thanks for your post, Hilary! It is refreshing to read a reminder of all of the things we have to be thankful for at Trinity! Plus, Aubrey is a cutie pie!

  4. Hilary,
    Thank you for joining this community and jumping right in! I love seeing the pictures of Aubrey. Her love of reading is starting in the most wonderful way!

  5. Aubrey’s adorable expression is priceless! Love seeing her love of reading developing so early. You have truly given her a gift.

  6. Hilary you are an amazing mom, educator, and even more importantly, human being. Thank you for being you!

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