A Rediscovered Joy

“I love that your students are reading for pleasure,” said Brad Brown when he visited my classroom. Continuing, he shared, “I don’t remember getting this opportunity in school as much as I wanted when I was their age.” Not knowing it until now, his words sparked something within. 

Saturday, while waiting for my car to be serviced, I did something that was a big part of my childhood, something I have always treasured, something I wish I made more time for, and something my mother instilled in me at a very young age… I made time to read for pleasure.

It would have been easy to play on my phone, but I decided to start one of the many novels stacked in my “waiting to read” pile. Piecing Me Together by Renee Watson was at the top of the stack on my nightstand, and I happened to have it with me while I waited at Good Year Tire. Turning my phone to silent, I dove in. Lost in my book, Leonard, always kind with excellent customer service, had to call my name three times to let me know my car was ready! 

Spending the day curled up with a good book took me back to a time of wanting to stay lost in the world of the characters. Resisting the urge to skip ahead, and eager to find out what happens next, I found myself investing in Jade, the main character and protagonist. I was rooting for her, identifying with her, and seeing myself in her. I laughed with her; I cried with her. 

My emotional journey reminds me the best books allow the freedom to get lost, to discover, to connect. How do I find the time to give myself this freedom? And, how often do we gift this treasure to our students?


Learner, Thinker, Writer: Bridget Billups serves Trinity School as a Fifth Grade Lead Teacher

9 thoughts on “A Rediscovered Joy

  1. What a lovely post and reminder. Thank you for sharing your rediscovered joy!

  2. Love this post! It’s a great reminder, for me, to choose paperback (or hardback) books as opposed to the Kindle app on my phone. Less opportunities for distraction!

    • Thank you! And yes, there is something special about a good ‘ol fashioned paper or hardback book in your hands :). Great point about it ruling out the opportunity of our phone being a distraction.

  3. Love this post, and the reminder to pick up a book and not my phone! It is wonderful to get lost in a “real” book! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Samantha Steinberg

    I just loved that you posted this. In the past few years, I have made a concerted effort to read more. I usually read at night instead of watching a tv show that I am not invested in. At Trinity, I think we do a great job of giving our children time and choice to read for pleasure. I get pretty excited when I can “hook” a student on a book, series, or author. I also love the “What I’m Reading Now” signs outside of classrooms, because I can connect with a colleague about a book I’ve read or want to read. Now you will have to tell me all about this book, so I can add it to my list!

  5. Cathrine Halliburton

    Love this Bridget! We need to put down our phones and pick up books more for ourselves and our children who are watching!

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