11.08.19 Agenda: Embolden Your Inner Mathematician (Week 6) #TrinityLearns

Connecting Student Solutions:

  • Connecting Different Solutions to Each Other
  • Challenges to face and take up

Course Goals: At the end of the semester, participants should be able to say:

  • I can exercise mathematical flexibility to show what I know in more than one way.
  • I can intentionally plan and teach using the 5 Practice Framework.

Session Goals: At the end of this session, participants should be able to say:

  • I can select cognitively challenging mathematical tasks that align to the specified learning goal.
  • I can work independently and collectively to predict how to select, sequence and connect student responses.


Agenda and Slide Deck

Jill’s Notes:

10.25.19 Advance Your Inner Mathematician (Session 4) #TrinityLearns

Selecting and Sequencing Student Solutions:

  • Purposeful Selection to Tell a Coherent Story
  • Challenges to face and take up 

Course Goals:

At the end of the semester, participants should be able to say:

  • I can exercise mathematical flexibility to show what I know in more than one way.
  • I can intentionally plan and teach using the 5 Practice Framework.

Session Goals:

At the end of this session, participants should be able to say:

  • I can select cognitively challenging mathematical tasks that align to the specified learning goal.
  • I can work independently and collectively to anticipate student responses.




7:30 10 min Gather and connect

  • Remember the book: The 5 Practices in Practice and keep reading (should be through Monitor today)
  • Review the 5 Practices and the 2 prior steps
7:45 30 min Equation String for us (not our students)

  • Look for Regularity in Repeated Reasoning
  • Look for and Make Use of Structure
8:15 45 min Formidable Task: True or False: 3 x 16 = 6 x 8

  • Anticipate student thinking
  • Select, Sequence, and Connect using student work
    • Students
    • Mathematics
9:00 10 min Lesson debrief

Goal setting and planning for the next two weeks

9:10 5 min Intentional closure
9:15 Session 4 concludes

Jill’s notes:

10.09.19 Advance Your Inner Mathematician (Session 3) #TrinityLearns

Monitoring Student Work:

  • Assessing and Advancing Student Thinking
  • Challenges to face and take up

Course Goals:

At the end of the semester, participants should be able to say:

  • I can exercise mathematical flexibility to show what I know in more than one way.
  • I can intentionally plan and teach using the 5 Practice Framework.

Session Goals:

At the end of this session, participants should be able to say:

  • I can select cognitively challenging mathematical tasks that align to the specified learning goal.
  • I can work independently and collectively to anticipate student responses.
    • We can design and implement common assessment to learn what all students know.
    • I can assess fluency, i.e., accuracy, flexibility, efficiency.
    • I can anticipate strategies and tools students might use.


Learning Plan  and Slide Deck

3:35 15 min Number Talk

  • Mental Math
    How do you know 81 – 25 = 14 x 4?
    Explain your reasoning.

  • Show your thinking so a reader understands without asking you questions
3:45 10 min Assessment Strategy Discussion

  • Prime for success
  • Assess for understanding
4:00 20 min Developing Common Assessment

  • Learning Goal
  • Task Selection
  • Anticipate
4:20 10 min Planning for assessment debrief and differentiation
4:30 End of Session 3

Jill’s Notes:

10.09.19 Agenda: Embolden Your Inner Mathematician (Week 5) #TrinityLearns

Visual Patterns – Strength Mathematical Flexibility:
I can use and connect mathematical representations

Course Goals:

At the end of the semester, participants should be able to say:

  • I can exercise mathematical flexibility to show what I know in more than one way.
  • I can make sense of mathematical tasks and persevere in solving them.
  • I can work within NCTM’s Eight Mathematical Teaching Practices for strengthening the teaching and learning of mathematics.

Use and connect mathematical representations. 

Effective teaching of mathematics engages students in making connections among mathematical representations to deepen understanding of mathematics concepts and procedures and as tools for problem solving.

Principles to Actions: Ensuring Mathematical Success for All

Session Goals:

At the end of this session, participants should be able to say:

  • I can make sense of tasks and persevere in solving them.
  • I can use and connect mathematical representations..
  • I can construct a viable argument and critique the reasoning of others.
    • Show your thinking so a reader understands without asking your questions.

Agenda and Slide Deck:


Deeply Read pp.138-141  from TAKING ACTION: Implementing Effective Mathematics Teaching Practices in K-Grade 5

  • What the Research says: Meaningful Mathematical Discourse
  • Promoting Equity through Facilitating Meaningful Mathematical Discourse




Jill’s notes:

10.02.19 Agenda: Embolden Your Inner Mathematician (Week 4) #TrinityLearns

Session 4 Sprint 1 (session 4)

Attend to Precision and Construct a Viable Argument:
I can facilitate meaningful mathematical discourse.

Course Goals:

At the end of the semester, participants should be able to say:

  • I can exercise mathematical flexibility to show what I know in more than one way.
  • I can make sense of mathematical tasks and persevere in solving them.
  • I can work within NCTM’s Eight Mathematical Teaching Practices for strengthening the teaching and learning of mathematics.

Facilitate meaningful mathematical discourse. 

Effective teaching of mathematics facilitates discourse among students to build shared understanding of mathematical ideas by analyzing and comparing student approaches and arguments. 

Principles to Actions: Ensuring Mathematical Success for All

Session Goals:

At the end of this session, participants should be able to say:

  • I can make sense of tasks and persevere in solving them.
  • I can facilitate meaningful mathematical discourse.
  • I can construct a viable argument and critique the reasoning of others.
    • Show your thinking so a reader understands without asking your questions.

Agenda and Slide Deck:

Homework:  Read pp. 146-151 from TAKING ACTION: Implementing Effective Mathematics Teaching Practices in K-Grade 5

  • Examining Mathematical Discourse: Deeply Read pp. 175-179 from TAKING ACTION: Implementing Effective Mathematics Teaching Practices in K-Grade 5
    • What the Research says: Meaningful Mathematical Discourse
    • Promoting Equity through Facilitating Meaningful Mathematical Discourse

Jill’s Notes:






09.18.19 Agenda: Embolden Your Inner Mathematician (Week 3) #TrinityLearns

Implement Tasks that Promote Reasoning and Problem Solving
I can facilitate meaningful mathematical discourse.

Course Goals:

At the end of the semester, participants should be able to say:

  • I can exercise mathematical flexibility to show what I know in more than one way.
  • I can make sense of mathematical tasks and persevere in solving them.
  • I can work within NCTM’s Eight Mathematical Teaching Practices for strengthening the teaching and learning of mathematics.

Facilitate meaningful mathematical discourse. 

Effective teaching of mathematics facilitates discourse among students to build shared understanding of mathematical ideas by analyzing and comparing student approaches and arguments. 

Principles to Actions: Ensuring Mathematical Success for All

Session Goals:

At the end of this session, participants should be able to say:

  • I can make sense of tasks and persevere in solving them.
  • I can facilitate meaningful mathematical discourse.
  • I can construct a viable argument and critique the reasoning of others.
    • Show your thinking so a reader understands without asking your question.

Agenda and Slide Deck:

Read pp. 146-151 from TAKING ACTION: Implementing Effective Mathematics Teaching Practices in K-Grade 5

  • Examining Mathematical Discourse:  Deeply Read pp. 175-179 from TAKING ACTION: Implementing Effective Mathematics Teaching Practices in K-Grade 5
    • What the Research says: Meaningful Mathematical Discourse
    • Promoting Equity through Facilitating Meaningful Mathematical Discourse

Jill’s notes:






09.20.19 Advance Your Inner Mathematician (Session 2) #TrinityLearns

Anticipating Student Responses:

  • Notice and Respond to Student Thinking
  • Challenges to face and take up

Course Goals:

At the end of the semester, participants should be able to say:

  • I can exercise mathematical flexibility to show what I know in more than one way.
  • I can intentionally plan and teach using the 5 Practice Framework.

Session Goals:

At the end of this session, participants should be able to say:

  • I can select cognitively challenging mathematical tasks that align to the specified learning goal.
  • I can work independently and collectively to anticipate student responses.


Agenda with Slide Deck

7:30 10 min Gather and connect
7:45 30 min Look for Regularity in Repeated Reasoning

  • Mental Math 

    Which is greater, 79 x 25 or 75 x 29?
    Explain your reasoning.
    Fawn Nguyen Math Talks.
    Which is greater, 15 x 6 or 16 x 5?
    Explain your reasoning. 

  • Visual Literacy builds conceptual understanding
8:15 45 min

Formidable Task

Solve It Like Mondrian.” Brilliant.
  • Learning Goal
  • Task Selection – Cognitively Challenging
  • Anticipation
9:00 10 min Lesson debrief

Goal setting and planning for the next two weeks

9:10 5 min Intentional closure
9:15 Session 2 concludes

Jill’s notes:

09.11.19 Agenda: Embolden Your Inner Mathematician (Week 2) #TrinityLearns

Embolden Your Inner Mathematician Session 2 
Subitizing, Number Talks, and Choral Counting:
#NCTMP2A: Elicit and use evidence of student thinking

Course Goals:

At the end of the semester, participants should be able to say:

  • I can exercise mathematical flexibility to show what I know in more than one way.
  • I can make sense of mathematical tasks and persevere in solving them.
  • I can work within NCTM’s Eight Mathematical Teaching Practices for strengthening the teaching and learning of mathematics.

Elicit and use evidence of student thinking. 

Effective teaching of mathematics uses evidence of student thinking to assess progress toward mathematical understanding and to adjust instruction continually in ways that support and extend learning.

Principles to Actions: Ensuring Mathematical Success for All

Session Goals:

At the end of this session, participants should be able to say:

  • I can make sense of tasks and persevere in solving them.
  • I can elicit and use evidence of student thinking.
  • I can construct a viable argument and critique the reasoning of others.
    • Show your thinking so a reader understands without asking your questions.

Agenda and Slide Deck

7:30 15 min Gather and connect

7:45 15 min Break for Birthday Breakfast
8:00 5 min Elicit and Use Evidence of Student Thinking Jill
8:05 20 min Subitizing with Beanie Boo pictures Becky
8:25 20 min Choral Counting Kerry
8:45 30 min Beanie Boo Task – image Jill
9:15 End of session

Jill’s Notes:


Read pp. 207-211 from Taking Action: Implementing Effective Mathematics Teaching Practices in Grades K-5

  • What the Research says: Elicit and Use Evidence of Student Thinking
  • Promoting Equity by Eliciting and Using Evidence of Student Thinking

Franke, Megan L. Choral Counting and Counting Collections: Transforming the PreK-5 Math Classroom.. Stenhouse. Kindle Edition.

Leinwand, Steve. Principles to Actions: Ensuring Mathematical Success for All. Reston, VA.: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2014. (p. 46) Print.

Smith, Margaret Schwan., et al. Taking Action: Implementing Effective Mathematics Teaching Practices in Grades K-5. The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2017.

09.06.19 Advance Your Inner Mathematician (Session 1) #TrinityLearns

Advance Your Inner Mathematician Session 1 

For teachers to continue learning after Embolden Your Inner Mathematician and anchored in Smith and Stein’s The 5 Practices in Practice: Successfully Orchestrating Mathematical Discussion in your Middle School Classroom.

From Dan Meyer

” But the maxim I hold most closely right now is that we act ourselves into beliefs more often than we believe our way into action. So I encourage you more than anything right now to adopt a series of productive actions that can reshape your beliefs.

Here are five such actions: anticipate, monitor, select, sequence, and connect. Those actions can convert a teacher’s love for math into a love for students and vice versa.”

In this six session series, we will study and implement these 5 practices in your classroom.


At the end of the semester, participants should be able to say:

  • I can exercise mathematical flexibility to show what I know in more than one way.
  • I can intentionally plan and teach using the 5 Practice Framework.

Session Goals:

At the end of this session, participants should be able to say:

  • I can specify a learning goal and set an intention for learning.

  • I can select cognitively challenging mathematical tasks that align to the specified learning goal.


Agenda with Slide Deck


10 min

Gather and connect


45 min

Look for Regularity in Repeated Reasoning

3 Reads Protocol


20 min

Lesson Debrief

  • Learning Goal

  • Task Selection – Cognitively Challenging

  • Anticipation


20 min

Goal setting and planning for the next two weeks


5 min

Intentional closure


Session 1 concludes

I can look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. 

Jill’s notes:

Franke, Megan L. Choral Counting and Counting Collections: Transforming the PreK-5 Math Classroom.. Stenhouse. Kindle Edition.

Leinwand, Steve. Principles to Actions: Ensuring Mathematical Success for All. Reston, VA.: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2014. (p. 46) Print.

Smith, Margaret Schwan., and Miriam Gamoran Sherin. The 5 Practices in Practice: Successfully Orchestrating Mathematical Discussion in your Middle School Classroom. (Corwin Mathematics Series). SAGE Publications, 2019.

09.04.19 Agenda: Embolden Your Inner Mathematician (Week 1) #TrinityLearns

Embolden Your Inner Mathematician Session 1 
Subitizing, Number Talks, and Choral Counting:
#NCTMP2A: Elicit and use evidence of student thinking

Back by popular demand, twelve #TrinityLearns faculty will gather each week in the fall to deepen our understanding of NCTM’s teaching practices and NCTM’S Standards for Mathematical Practices.

Course Goals:

At the end of the semester, participants should be able to say:

  • I can exercise mathematical flexibility to show what I know in more than one way.
  • I can make sense of mathematical tasks and persevere in solving them.
  • I can work within NCTM’s Eight Mathematical Teaching Practices for strengthening the teaching and learning of mathematics.

Elicit and use evidence of student thinking. 

Effective teaching of mathematics uses evidence of student thinking to assess progress toward mathematical understanding and to adjust instruction continually in ways that support and extend learning.

Principles to Actions: Ensuring Mathematical Success for All

Session Goals:

At the end of this session, participants should be able to say:

  • I can make sense of tasks and persevere in solving them.
  • I can elicit and use evidence of student thinking.
  • I can construct a viable argument and critique the reasoning of others.

Agenda with Slide Deck

7:30 15 min Gather and connect

7:45 10 min Establishing Intent, Purpose, Norm Setting 

  • Ambitious Teaching
7:55 30 min Subitizing Becky
8:25 15 min Choral Counting Kerry
8:40 20 min Beanie Boo Task:

  • Elicit evidence and Use Evidence
9:10 5 min Intentional closure

  • Giraffes Can’t Dance
9:15 Session 1 concludes

Jill’s Notes:


Read pp. 207-211 from Taking Action: Implementing Effective Mathematics Teaching Practices in Grades K-5

  • What the Research says: Elicit and Use Evidence of Student Thinking
  • Promoting Equity by Eliciting and Using Evidence of Student Thinking

Franke, Megan L. Choral Counting and Counting Collections: Transforming the PreK-5 Math Classroom.. Stenhouse. Kindle Edition.

Leinwand, Steve. Principles to Actions: Ensuring Mathematical Success for All. Reston, VA.: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2014. (p. 46) Print.

Smith, Margaret Schwan., et al. Taking Action: Implementing Effective Mathematics Teaching Practices in Grades K-5. The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2017.