Selected to further our diversity, equity, and inclusion work, the following TED talks are offered to help us reflect on and engage in conversation of how we understand ourselves and others.

The videos will play from this page.  To see and read the corresponding transcripts, use the associated hyperlinked text. Access to a transcript may help you select your sentence, phrase, and word for our discussion in the fall.  You are invited to add your sentence, phrase, and word in the comment section below as you watch and reflect. (Please be sure to include the title of the talk in your comment.)  

Julie Lythcott-Haims: How to raise successful kids — without over-parenting

 Dena Simmons: How students of color confront impostor syndrome

Andrew Solomon: Love, no matter what

Rosie King: How autism freed me to be myself

Shonda Rhimes: My year of saying yes to everything

Bryan Stevenson: We need to talk about an injustice

Clint Smith: The danger of silence

Aimee Mullins: My 12 pairs of legs

John Hunter: Teaching with the World Peace Games

Kimberly Bryant: Black Girls Code (transcript not available)

Todd Rose: The Myth of Average (transcript not available)

37 thoughts on “Voices of Diversity

  1. I’m watching Rosie King: How autism freed me to be myself.

    Sentence: Why are people pouring their brilliant individual light into a mold? (4:12)
    Phrase: ability rather than a disability (1:55)
    Word: labeled (4:00)

  2. I watched Dena Simmons – “…Imposter Syndrome..”

    Sentence: Don’t underestimate the power of a mother determined to keep her children safe.”

    Phrase: learning about themselves

    Word: As- King

  3. I’ve now watched Dena Simmons, too, Javonne. I love Don’t underestimate the power of a mother determined to keep her children safe. I was inspired by your SPW choices. Here are mine:

    Sentence: Every child deserves an education that guarantees the safety to learn in the comfort of one’s own skin. (7:35)

    Phrase: …create emotionally and physically safe classrooms … (8:10)

    Word: thrive (8:10)

  4. I’m watching, “love no matter what” and there are a few pieces that really stood out to me.

    Sentence: The fact that my favorite color now is blue, but I’m still gay is evidence of both my mother’s influence and its limits.

    Phrase: “We don’t lack hearing, we have membership in a culture,” in reference to the perspective of people looking at being deaf as a disability.

    Word: identity

  5. I’m watching “The danger of silence” which is a powerful spoken word about the power of our voices.

    Sentence: I challenge my students to explore the silences in their own lives.

    Phrase: Tell your truth.

    Word: voice

  6. I am watching, “My 12 pairs of legs”

    Sentence: “They {kids} only learn to be frightened of those differences when an adult influences them to behave that way”

    Phrase: “You know Aimee, you’re very attractive. You don’t look disabled.”

    Word: “Fashion-able”

  7. Mary Jacob Harris

    I watched Julie Lythcott-Haims “How to raise successful kids — without over-parenting.” I am not a parent yet, but growing up in this Buckhead culture this really spoke to me.

    Sentence: We say we just want them to be happy, but maybe we are just scared they wont have a future we can brag about.

    Phrase: Checklist Childhood

    Word: Self-efficacy

  8. Mary Jacob Harris

    I’m watching Shonda Rhimes: My year of saying yes to everything

    Sentence: My tiny human’s show me how to live and the hum of the universe fills me up.

    Phrase: the real hum

    Word: play

  9. I am watching Andrew Solomon: Love no matter what

    Sentence: Diversity of affection and diversity of family strengthen the ecosphere of kindness

    Phrase: acceptance takes time

    Word: identity

  10. I watched: Rosie King – How autism freed me to be myself

    sentence: “People are so afraid of variety that they try and put them into a box.”

    phrase: Cheer when someone releases their imagination

    word: celebrate uniqueness

  11. Clint Smith : The Danger of Silence

    Sentence: “Silence is the residue of fear.”

    Phrase: “speak your truth”

    Word: voice

  12. Shonda Rhimes: My year of saying yes to everything

    Sentence: We can all use a little more love

    Phrase: less work and more play

    Word: hum

  13. Aimee Mullins – My 12 pairs of legs

    Sentence: People that society once considered disabled can now become the architects of their identities.

    Phrase: Celebrate Glorious disabilities

    Word: fair

  14. Bryan Stevenson: We need to talk about injustice

    Sentence: Our identity is at risk when we don’t care.

    Phrase: power in identity

    Word: hope

  15. John Hunter: Teaching with the World Peace Game

    Sentence: Create a space to create and make meaning out of your own understanding.

    Phrase: Collective wisdom is greater

    Word: if

  16. Kimberly Bryant: Black Girls Code

    Sentence: Women are change agents.

    Phrase: Become creators

    Word: revolution

  17. Todd Rose: The Myth of Average

    Sentence: Students vary on dimensions of learning.

    Phrase: Design to the edges

    Word: Nurture

  18. Javonne Stewart

    The Danger of Silence

    Sentence – “Silence is the residue of fear.”

    Phrase – “…touching the screen of my Apple than feeding him one

    Word – Truth

  19. Mary Jacob Harris

    Black Girls Code

    Sentence: Women and girls are change agents naturally in their families and in their communities and in the world.

    Phrase: a movement to empower young girls

    Word: underrepresented

  20. Mary Jacob Harris

    Aimee Mullins: My 12 Pairs of Legs

    Sentence: They only learn to be frightened of those differences when an adult influences them to behave that way, and maybe censors that natural curiosity, or you know, reins in the question-asking in the hopes of them being polite little kids.

    Phrase: a conversation about potential

    Word: superable

  21. Mary Jacob Harris

    Clint Smith: The Danger of Silence

    Sentence(s): Tell your truth. Silence is the residue of fear.

    Phrase: consequences of silence

    Word: microphone

  22. Mary Jacob Harris

    John Hunter: Teaching with the World Peace Games

    Sentence: They find out what is right their own way their own selves.

    Phrase: spontaneous compassion

    Word: collective wisdom

  23. Mary Jacob Harris

    Todd Rose: The Myth of Average

    Sentence: Students are not one dimensional.

    Phrase: jagged learning profile

    Word: edges

  24. Mary Jacob Harris

    Dena Simmons: How students of color confront impostor syndrome

    Sentence: There is emotional damage done when young people can’t be themselves.

    Phrase: impostor syndrome

    Word: faith

  25. Mary Jacob Harris

    Bryan Stevenson: We need to talk about an injustice

    Sentence: Ultimately, our humanity depends on everyone’s humanity.

    Phrase: power of identity

    Word: disconnected

  26. Mary Jacob Harris

    Andrew Solomon: Love, no matter what

    Sentence: And I believe that in the same way that we need species diversity to ensure that the planet can go on, so we need this diversity of affection and diversity of family in order to strengthen the ecosphere of kindness.

    Phrase: love vs. acceptance

    Word: parenting

  27. Mary Jacob Harris

    Rosie King: How autism freed me to be myself

    Sentence: People are so afraid of variety that they try to fit everything into a tiny little box with really specific labels.

    Phrase: brilliant individual light

    Word: uniqueness

  28. I’m watching “The myth of average.”

    Sentence: If you design learning experiences based on average, odds are, you designed them for nobody.

    Phrase: average hurts everyone

    Word: adjustable-seat

  29. I’m watching “The Myth of Average”

    Sentence – I think back to the Air Force example and I can’t help but wonder, how much of this problem is just bad design?

    Phrase – ban the average, design the edges

    Word – jagged learning profile (yes its three 😉

  30. Carrie Peralta

    Julie Lythcott-Haims: How to raise successful kids — without over-parenting

    Sentence: Happiness in life comes from love of humans.

    Phrase: Build a childhood foundation based on love and chores.

    Word: Self-efficacy

  31. Carrie Peralta

    Dena Simmons: How students of color confront impostor syndrome

    Sentence: Every child deserves an education that guarantees the safety to learn in the comfort of one’s own skin.

    Phrase: Emotionally and physically safe classroom

    Word: Ass-king

  32. Carrie Peralta

    Rosie King: How autism freed me to be myself

    Sentence: People are so afraid of variety

    Phrase: celebrate uniqueness

    Word: Normal

  33. Carrie Peralta

    Aimee Mullins: My 12 pairs of legs

    Sentence: You’re very attractive, you don’t look disabled.

    Phrase: understanding our collective humanity

    Word: super-able

  34. Carrie Peralta

    Shonda Rhimes: My year of saying yes to everything

    Sentences: I don’t like to play. What kind of person likes working more than being at home.

    Phrase: Work doesn’t work without play

    Word: hum

  35. Carrie Peralta

    Kimberly Bryant: Black Girls Code (transcript not available)

    Sentence: If we teach one girl to code, she will teach 10 more.

    Phrase: Changing the trajectory of communities

    Word: 3% black girls

  36. Carrie Peralta

    Todd Rose: The Myth of Average

    Sentence: What if we ban the average and design to the edges?

    Phrase: the learning equivalent of adjustable seats

    Word: ability

  37. Carrie Peralta

    Clint Smith: The danger of silence

    Sentence: We spend so much time listening to the things people are saying, that we rarely pay attention to the things they don’t.

    Phrase: silence is the residue of fear

    Word: voice

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