
Compassion is a strange thing – and something I never thought much about.  As I get “older” (only chronologically of course!) I am becoming much more aware of it.  I hear it in my husband’s voice as he helps my 92 year old mom (who lives with us) understand that it is OK not to know where she is — but it is enough to know that she is loved by those around her.

I see it in my oldest son’s eyes when he sees his son struggling to accomplish a task he is not yet ready to handle — even though his twin sister does it with ease.

I see it in fellow colleagues as they settle estates of relatives, help out their struggling adult children, or take care of their own spouse, parents or grandparents…….not because they have to, but because they care!

I see it in the way that people volunteer to take carpool for each other – knowing that they would not ask unless there was a problem.

I saw it in the tractor trailer loads of snow flakes (some made by my daughter and her sorority sisters) sent to decorate the halls of Sandy Hook Elementary — because everyone wanted to do something to make it better, but  felt really helpless.

I had just about decided that it was an age thing.  You know – once you get to a certain age – you begin to feel for the needs of others.  THEN came last Friday night.  I saw it in full force……not in the adults, but in our 6th graders.  I saw how they took care of the wee ones that were tired…the ones who “misplaced” their sister or friend…or worse their pillow pet!  I saw boys and girls comforting others – not because it was their job for the night, but because they wanted to make others feel better.

So glad to see that it is not an “age” thing, but something we can all show!


Learner, Thinker, Writer: Carole Gaillard is Special Events Assistant to ULD Coordinator


5 thoughts on “Compassion

  1. This is such a beautiful post. What a great reminder of all the love that surrounds us each day!

  2. Ginny Perkinson

    Lovely post – you really captured something we see around here on a daily basis! Thanks for putting it into words.

  3. Carole, how fitting that you would write about compassion when you exhibit it on a daily basis to everyone you encounter. I agree wholeheartedly about the compassion shown by the Sixth Graders at the Kids Night Out. It can feel like chaos in motion and then a glimpse of a Sixth Grader leaning down to talk with a nervous child or who takes the hand of a little one on a trip to the bathroom, slows everything down and makes my heart glad we have such a powerful school.

  4. Thank you for such a powerful and beautiful post.

  5. Carole, your family sounds pretty amazing…I bet you had something to do with that! Every time my husband shows compassion for the boys or Hank for Knox, I fill with pride that they’re “mine.” I, too, was proud of my other set of children last weekend.

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