First World Problems

Below is the link to a thought-provoking rap song, yes rap. A teenager wrote a rap song about “First World Problems” and it has changed the way I think. Before you read my post, please watch the video, I promise it will makes you smile.


I am not going to lie to you; this is partly a recycled post, but I love sharing this video with others because of how it really made me think. This year I wrote a post on my Trinity blog and shared the rap with my 5th grade students. The first time I saw this rap video, I felt ashamed and humbled. Many of the “problems” he was rapping about are funny, but then I thought about how often I complain. How many times am I frustrated because I do not have my power cord and my laptop battery is about to run out? How many times do I find myself really annoyed or angry about silly things that are simply first world problems?

Last summer I went to Zimbabwe for 5 weeks. During that time I worked in several rural primary schools in the Matopo Hills area and lived on a farm, with no electricity. It was not easy and comfortable but it was one of the most meaningful experiences of my life. The first couple of weeks after my trip to Zimbabwe, I found myself taking nothing for granted. Every hot shower, ice cold Diet Coke, full grocery store, and drive-through everything was a reminder of what the people in Zimbabwe did not have. Now, a year later, I do not think twice about grabbing a cold Diet Coke or a hot shower whenever I feel like it.

This video reminds me to be thankful for all the opportunities I am given, just living in the first world.  So join me in looking at your problems through a different lens. Whenever you find yourself frustrated over a first world problem, stop and think about something you can be thankful for. When I focus on what I can be thankful for, it puts my life into perspective for me, which helps my first world problems disappear.

Melissa Walker is a 5th grade teacher, singer, reader, traveller, and movie watcher.