Why Learn French?

Bonjour mis amis,

The reasons for learning any second language are many (helps your brain function at a higher level, allows you to communicate with a whole new group of people, makes it a lots easier to travel around the world, etc…), but why should French be the language you choose to study? Here are just of few of the many reason French should be your choice:

  • 200 million people in the world understand, speak, read, or write French.
  • French is the official language of 33 countries.
  • French is the most widely taught 2nd language in the world.
  • French is the official language of the international postal service and the Red Cross.
  • French is one of the two official languages of the Olympic games and the United Nations.
  • Roughly half of the words in the modern English language are borrowed from French.
  • French is lexically more like English than any other romance language.
  • French is the second most commonly used language on the internet.
  • French is the only other language, other than English, that is taught in every single country around the world.
  • There are over 525 French language universities in the world.
  • French is the language of love!

Learning any second language will be beneficial to you no matter what language you choose!

Merci! Au revoir!


Learner, Thinker, Writer: Meggan Stacey serves the Trinity School community as a World Languages Teacher.

“Live like Livs”

With the end of the school year fast approaching and our schedules becoming increasingly full, it is important to remember to slow down and enjoy the little things in life. The summer is always a hectic time for me because I run my own swimming lesson business. My days are filled with pools, and kids, and lots of time spent in the sun. There is almost nothing that makes me happier then teaching kids to swim, but, every summer, I end up regretting not taking the time to enjoy the summer weather doing all the things that I love to do. This summer is going to be different. This summer I have a motto that I am going to live by: “Live like Livs!”  Olive, also known as Livs, is my three-year-old golden retriever. She is a constant reminder to me to slow down my pace of life and spend time doing the little things that make me happy.  Every morning I am woken up by a lick to the face and a wagging tail against the edge of my bed. All Olive wants to do is lay her head on my pillow and have me rub her belly. This is her bliss.  Every day when I get home I am greeted at the door with the same happy face and wagging tail, most of the time holding a tennis ball. All Olive wants to do is have me throw the ball for her to chase. This is also her bliss. It is my goal this summer to find my bliss in the most common of places. This is what “live like Liv’s” is going to remind me to do this summer.  This summer I am vowing to take the time to watch the birds fly in the sky, enjoy the simple pleasure of playing fetch with Olive, and to find my bliss by remembering to “live like Livs”.

Learner, Thinker, Writer, and dog owner: Meggan Stacey serves the Trinity School Community as a World Languages Teacher.