Thank You iPhone!

As many of you know my sister had a baby this summer so as a new Aunt I am excited about everything that my niece does. My sister, brother-in-law and niece live in Alexandria, VA so I do not see them as much as I would like. My sister sends me pictures or videos of her daily. We face time whenever we get the chance. We even face timed when she was an hour old. Its amazing what technology can do and I am thankful everyday that I am able to experience her daily life through my iPhone. My sister sent us a video of my niece “talking” and now we can be part of the moment while being 100’s of miles away. I think some days its the only it keeps my mom from getting in the car and driving 9 hours to be with her. Thank you technology!



I typically am not one to “sit and smell the roses,” I enjoy being busy and always having events, meetings, etc. on my schedule. Due to this fact I have been told that I tend to be over scheduled. This week with the start of two fitness classes (Zumba and boot camp) and some obligations canceled I found myself with a lot of free time, which is rare. I have found myself cleaning out boxes that I haven’t touched in years and enjoying the time it allowed me to be in my own space and not rushing around to different obligations.


As I looked through the boxes of cards and photos I was reminded of how thankful I am for my loved ones, the gifts I’ve been given and the places I’ve been. It’s these moments, which were represented in these mementos that normally get lost in my hectic life. While I do enjoy being busy I realize I should “schedule” some downtime to I can take a few moments to reflect on life and what is happening around me.


My family is coming in town next weekend for my sister’s baby shower and it is the perfect time to slow down, spend time with them and experience the moment. While I will probably keep my schedule packed, after having time to reflect this week I have learned how important it is to take a few moments to appreciate and contemplate what is around you and how each day is important.

My sister and I spending a few minutes together before her wedding.


Learner, Thinker, Writer: Carrie Barfield serves the Trinity School community as Admissions Associate.