Selected for connections to our SAIS work, the following TED talks are offered to help us reflect on and engage in conversation around the following topics.

Build Academic Foundation
Develop Character Foundation
Foster Creativity, Collaboration, Critical Thinking
Cherish Childhood
Deepen Understanding
Empower Learners

The videos will play from this page.  To see and read the corresponding transcripts, use the associated hyperlinked text. Access to a transcript may help you select your sentence, phrase, and word for our discussion in the fall.  You are invited to add your sentence, phrase, and word in the comment section below as you watch and reflect. (Please be sure to include the title of the talk in your comment.)  

Sarah Lewis: Embrace the near win

Cesar Harada: How I teach kids to love science

 Kathryn Schulz: On being wrong

Sebastian Deterding: What your designs say about you

Linda Hill: How to manage for collective creativity

 Emilie Wapnick: Why some of us don’t have one true calling

Rita Pierson: Every kid needs a champion

Stuart Brown: Play is more than just fun

Mac Barnett: Why a good book is a secret door

Dan Meyer: Math class needs a makeover

Temple Grandin: The world needs all kinds of minds

Sugata Mitra: The Child Driven Education

John Hunter: Teaching with the World Peace Game

103 thoughts on “2016 SAIS connections

  1. Rita Pierson – Every kid needs a champion

    S – Teaching and learning should bring joy.

    P – understand power of connection

    W – relationships

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  2. Math Class Needs a Makeover

    S – I encourage math teachers I talk to to use multimedia, because it brings the real world into your classroom in high resolution and full color.

    P – Vocabulary for your own intuition

    W – Conversation

  3. Dan Meyer – Math class needs a makeover

    S – Math doesn’t start the conversation; the conversation starts the math.

    P – be less helpful

    W – patient

  4. Temple Grandin – The world needs all kinds of minds

    S – We need to help students who have unique minds be successful.

    P – we’ve got to work on developing all kinds of minds

    W – visual

  5. Sugata Mitra – The child driven education

    S – If children have interest then education happens.

    P – Self organizing system

    W – deep

  6. John Hunter : Teaching with the World Peace Game

    S – Spontaneous compassion cannot be planned for.

    P – authentic assessment of learning

    W – engagement

  7. The World Needs All Kinds of Minds

    S – I’m really concerned that a lot of the schools have taken out the hands-on classes, because art, and classes like that, those are the classes where I excelled.

    P – visual thinker

    W – brain

  8. The Child Driven Education

    S – If children have interest, then education happens.

    P – Self Organized Learning Environments.

    W – change

  9. Teaching with the World Peace Game

    S – What do you want to do?

    P – collective wisdom

    W – negotiation

  10. Sarah Lewis: Embrace the Near Win

    S – The pursuit of Mastery is an ever onward ‘almost.’

    P – Process over product.

    W – ‘Doggedness.’

  11. Emilie Wapnick: Why Some of Us Don’t Have One True Calling

    S – It is rarely a waste of time to pursue something you’re drawn to even if you end up quitting; you might apply that knowledge in a different field entirely in a way you couldn’t have anticipated.

    P – Follow your passions down the rabbit hole.

    W – Multipotentialite

  12. Mac Barnett: Why a Good Book is a Secret Door

    S – Kids deserve the best stories we can give them.

    P – Give student work a secret door.

    W – Metafiction.

  13. Sarah Lewis: Embrace the near win

    S- Mastery is knowing it’s nothing if you can’t do it again and again.

    P- “…success is a moment…”

    W- value

  14. Cesar Harada: How I teach kids to love science

    S – The worst legacy we can leave our children with are lies.

    P – “…see a progression…”

    W – empathy

  15. Kathryn Schulz – On being wrong

    S – We think this one thing is going to happen and something else happens instead.

    P – “…present is where we live…”

    W – fundamental

  16. Sebastian Deterding – What your design says about you

    S – It’s better when you care about your learning.

    P – “…good consequences…”

    W – intentions

  17. Emilie Wapnick- Why some of us don’t have one true calling

    S – All kids hear is that they’re going to have to choose.

    P – “…all consumed…”

    W – embrace

  18. Rita Pierson – Every kid needs a champion

    S – If you say it long enough, it starts to be a part of you.

    P – “…power of connection…”

    W – champion

  19. Linda Hill – How to create for collectively creativity

    S – When we think of innovation we think of an Einstein ‘aha’ moment, but that’s a myth.

    P – “…collective genius…”

    W – deliberate

  20. Sarah Lewis- Embrace the Near Win
    S-Masters are not experts because they take a subject to it’s conceptual end, but because they realize there isn’t one.
    P- …completion is a goal but never the end
    W- Quest

  21. Cesar Harada: How I Teach Kids to Love Science.
    S- So citizen scientists, makers, dreamers — we must prepare the next generation that cares about the environment and people, and that can actually do something about it.
    P- Let the imagination of my students run wild
    W- Empathy

  22. Kathryn Schulz: On Being Wrong

    S- The attachment to our own rightness keeps us from preventing mistakes when we absolutely need to and causes us to treat each other terribly.

    P- Ignorance, Idiocy, and Evil Assumption

    W- Error Blindness

  23. Sebastian Deterding: What Your Designs Say About You
    S- Whatever we do or refrain from doing, whatever we put out there as a piece of design into the world has a persuasive component. It tries to affect people. It puts a certain vision of the good life out there in front of us.

    P-“Why should the lamp or the house be an art object, but not our life?” Foucault

    W-Persuasive Technology

  24. Rita Pierson: Every Kid Needs A Champion

    S- Seek first to understand before being understood. (Covey)snicksoh
    -Teaching and learning should bring joy

    P- Power of connection

    W- Champion

  25. Stuart Brown: Play is more than just fun

    S – If it’s purpose is more important than the act of doing, it’s probably not play.

    P – “…explore the possible…”

    W – spontaneous

  26. Mac Barnett: Why a good book is a secret door

    S – Kids like Nico are the best readers, and they deserve the best stories we can give them.

    P – “…that place in the middle…”

    W – wonder

  27. How to manage for collective creativity – Linda Hill

    S – Innovation is not about solo genius, it’s about collective genius.

    P – trial and error

    3Ws – inquire, listen, advocate

  28. Play is more than just fun – Stuart Brown

    S – Nothing lights up the brain like play.

    P – personal play history is unique

    W – neoteny – definition: the retention of immature qualities into adulthood

  29. What your designs say about you – Sebastian Deterding

    S – It’s better if you care about learning something.

    P – idea of the good life

    W – questions

  30. Embrace the near-win – Sarah Lewis

    S – Mastery is when we start to value the gift of a near-win.

    P – ever onward almost

    W – reaching

  31. On being Wrong – Sarah Schultz

    S – We learn really bad lessons really well.

    P – Rediscover wonder

    W- error blindness – definition: stuck inside the feeling of rightness

  32. Dan Myer- Math class needs a makeover

    S – No problem worth solving is that simple.

    P – “…impatient problem solving…”

    W – redefining

  33. Temple Grandin- The world needs all kinds of minds

    S – The normal brain ignores the details.

    P – “…visual thinker…”

    W – insight

  34. Linda Hill: How to Manage For Collective Creativity

    S- Leading innovation is about creating the space where people are willing and able to do the hard work of innovative problem solving.

    P-…aggregator of viewpoints, not a dictator

    W- Creative abrasion

  35. Emilie Wapnick: Why Some of Us Don’t Have One True Calling

    S- Embracing our inner wiring leads to a happier, more authentic life.

    P- Idea synthesis, rapid learning and adaptability

    W- Multipotentialite- Definition: someone with many interests and creative pursuits

  36. Stuart Brown: Play is More Than Just Fun

    S- I would encourage you all to engage not in the work-play differential — where you set aside time to play — but where your life becomes infused minute by minute, hour by hour, with body, object, social, fantasy, transformational kinds of play. And I think you’ll have a better and more empowered life.

    P- The basis of human trust is established through play signals.

    W- Neoteny-Definition: the retention of immature qualities into adulthood

  37. Mac Barnett: Why a Good Book is a Secret Door

    S- Art can get us to that place. …that place in the middle, that place which you could call art or fiction. …for those moments where a story, no matter how strange, has some semblance of the truth, and then you’re able to believe it. It’s not just kids who can get there. Adults can too, and we get there when we read.

    P- …willing suspension of disbelief

    W- wonder, poetic faith

  38. Dan Meyer: Math Class Needs a Makeover

    S- Math makes sense of the world. Math is the vocabulary for your own intuition.

    P- “an impatience with irresolution”

    W- patient problem-solving

  39. Every kid needs a champion – Rita Pierson

    S – …SHe left a legacy of relationships that could never disappear.

    P – understands the power of connection

    W – relationship

  40. How to manage for collective creativity – Linda Hill

    S – Innovation is not about solo genius, it’s about collective genius.

    P – results of trial and error

    3Ws – inquire, listen & advocate

  41. Why a good book is a secret door – Mac Barnett

    S – Whenever you are, we’re already then.

    P – the willing suspension of disbelief…

    W – wonder

  42. Why some of us don’t have one true calling – Emilie Wapnick

    S – But what if you’re someone who isn’t wired that way?

    P – Embrace your inner wiring, what ever that may be

    W – multipotentialite – someone with many interests and creative pursuits

  43. Temple Grandin: The World Needs All Kinds of Minds

    S-The autistic mind is a specialist mind. … it tends to be fixated.

    P-… today things are getting too abstract.

    W- mentors (are essential)

  44. Sugata Mitra: The Child-Driven Education
    S- A self-organizing system is one where a structure appears without explicit intervention from the outside.

    P- If children have interest, education happens.

    W- “The Granny Cloud”

  45. John Hunter: Teaching With The World Peace Game
    S-… who is really in charge? I’ve learned to cede control of the classroom over to the students over time. There’s a trust and an understanding and a dedication to an ideal that I simply don’t have to do what I thought I had to do as a beginning teacher: control every conversation and response in the classroom.

    P- I don’t try to deny them that reality of being human.

    W- collective wisdom

  46. Teaching with the World Peace Game- John Hunter
    S- “I saw myself literally disappear; what I saw was my teachers coming through me.” “What do you want to do?” “Who is in control of that classroom?”
    P- an empty space to make meaning out of their own understanding; to think in a long-term, more consequential way
    W- freedom, immersion, learning-though-their bodies, trust

    The Child-Driven Education- Sugata Mitra
    S- “Trouble comes from those places that good teachers do not want to go” “Children will learn to do what they want to learn to do” “A teacher that can be replaced by a machine, should be”
    P- hole in the wall; and I left; where there is interest, there is education; method of the grandmother; the granny cloud
    W- joy!, on their own, emergence

    The World Needs All Kinds of Minds- Temple Grandin
    S- “I had to sell my work, not myself”
    P- continuum of traits; Google for pictures; visual thinking;
    W- design; light the spark

    Math Class Needs a Makeover- Dan Meyer
    S- “I sell a product to a market that is forced to buy it and doesn’t want it”
    P- they won’t retain it; impatient with irresolution; problems worth solving; patient problem solving
    W- lack of- initiative, perseverance, retention, word problem liking, work without formula

    Why a Good Book Is a Secret Door- Mac Barnett
    S- a story has some semblance of truth and then you’re able to believe it; I want the fiction to break out of the secret door
    P- lying to children; you can’t find the seams on the fiction
    W- wonder

    Play is More Than Just Fun- Stuart Brown
    S- “A differential in power can be overridden by a process of nature within all of us.”
    P- play as transformative force
    W- neoteny, play history

    Every Kid Needs a Champion- Rita Pierson
    S- How to I raise the self-esteem and academic achievement of my students at the same time? Can we stand to have more relationships?
    P- The value and importance of human relationships; understand over being understood; teaching and learning should bring joy
    W- relationships, connections

    Why Some of Us Don’t Have One True Calling- Emilie Wapnick
    S- “The notion of the narrowly focused life is highly romanticized in our culture”
    P- what do you want to be when you grow up?; idea synthesis; rapid learning; adaptability
    W- multipotentialite, scanners

    How to Manage for Collective Creativity- Linda Hill
    S- “if we want to build organizations that can innovate time and again, we must unlearn our conventional visions of leadership” “leading innovation is about creating the space where people are willing and able to do the hard work of innovative problem solving”
    P- unleash and harness genius; both/and solutions
    W- leaders; collective genius

    What Your Designs Say About You- Sebastian Deterding
    S- How can we get to the good life?
    P- technology of self and technology of domination
    W- intention and effect

    On Being Wrong- Kathryn Schulz
    S- trusting too much on the feeling of being on the right side of anything can be quite dangerous. I err therefore I am.
    P- trapped in the bubble of feeling right about everything; see the world as it isn’t
    W- error blindness; surprise and reversals to make the story work

    How I Teach Kids to Love Science- Cesar Harada
    S- we can no longer afford to shield the kids from the ugly truth; we need them for the solutions
    P- immediately trying to correct a problem
    W- investigation

    Embrace the Near Win- Sarah Lewis
    S- Success is a moment, what we celebrate is creativity and mastery
    P- mastery is a constant pursuit; mastery is in the reaching, not the arriving
    W- mastery

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