Bridge to Terabithia

My best friend’s name is Katie. We met when we were both in middle school, but I was in 7th grade and she was in 6th grade. I can remember how we would spend a lot of time together, but we also had a lot of different friends.  Sometimes I would get jealous when she would spend more time or have more inside jokes with her friends in her grade, than she did with me.  Slowly as we got older and moved on through high school and college, our friend groups merged. Now we have a lot of the same friends and we all spend a lot of time together. In Bridge to Terabithia Jess is struggling with jealousy about Leslie spending a lot of time with her father. How does he overcome his jealousy?

Have you ever been jealous of a friend spending more time with another friend than with you?

How did you handle that? Did it turn out ok?



  • I have not ever really been jealous of any of my friends. But in that situation I would try to come up with a way that we could still hang out with each other and our other friends. Jess over came it by hanging out with Leslie’s dad too. The activity that they did was building the Golden Room.

  • I have a lot of very good friends. When i hear them having inside jokes and things that they talk about i do get jealous but I know that no matter what they are still my friends and we have inside jokes too. As we all started to realize “hey what are they talking about?” We decided to start coming up with group inside jokes and now we have many! Jess got over it by hanging out with Leslie’s dad and Leslie more often and they all became friends!

  •   Grace Fullam
    November 23rd, 2011 at 1:01 am    Reply

    When I see my friends talking to other people it makes me a little bit jealous but they are still my friends but they are still my friends! Jess got over his jealously by hanging out with Leslie’s dad.

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