09.17.15 FLST Literacy Agenda #TrinityLearns

September 17, 2015
S. Steinberg’s Room

  1. Plan for dates-
    1. FF – 9/30 (Follow up from summer: Amanda/Laura/MJ, Ann Reid, Monique/Nicole), 11/4 (running records refresher), 1/27, 4/27  We’d love an Orton FF to happen soon (Ashley, I’m looking at you!)
    2. Do we need to offer a RR refresher on another day, not a FF? Be sure to discuss notes on RR, and what information is helpful to someone else looking at the benchmark assessment.
    3. FSLT committee – 1/6 and 3/30 are lit committee meeting dates
    4. WW – We are in charge of 12/9 (vertical teaming? – look at curriculum map and scope & sequence to make sure we’re aligned, what are you looking for kids to know and be able to do? Look at student samples! Are we using our curriculum maps & scope and sequence? Look at word study? Using assessment to guide instruction would be a great topic to discuss.)
      4/20 (split with math?)
    5. Running record administration – Can we meet as teams in late September/ October to figure out: Who needs help? How can we help? Is everyone giving assessments?
      1. Kindergarten is not expected to give Fall assessments, unless you know the children are reading (let’s discuss with Rhonda!)
      2. Pre-K only gives benchmark assessments to outliers
      3. Can Kristin give us some information from the admissions file for brand new kids? This will help us have something to go on.
  2. BAS White Folders
    1. Outside of folder: Write the instructional level outside the folder for fall, winter, spring.
    2. Inside white folders: Check off fiction/non-fiction. Tracks their progress. Follow the written instructions inside the folder? Great to see quickly what books they’ve read. Nicole will make a mock-up for us! And whatever Nicole says will be the rule!
  3. Updates on Running Records and Locating Information on Haiku
    1. What are you learning from this information?
  4. Locating Information for Reading and Writing Curriculum on Haiku
    1. Please put on your team meeting agendas to look at Haiku and note the scope and sequence and other resources available
  5. Team Updates- Launching Writing Workshop and Reading Instruction
    1. How are you setting your classroom up for success?
      1. Building stamina? Partner reading?
        1. Threes: Starting with grips so they can write later! Teachers are reading all the time to kids! Taught the kids to read the pictures so they can read on their own.
        2. Pre-K:
          1. All classrooms…
            1. Begin Sounds Abound and HWT programs
            2. Consonant recognition/sound assessment
            3. PAST Test for outliers
            4. Rhyming
            5. Introduce journals – focus on the picture portion
          2. A few classrooms are trying out the Daily 5 concepts…
            1. Practice Read to Self and 3 ways to read
              1. Introduce Letter Work
        3. Kindergarten: Giving PAST, some are doing read-to-self, HWT in conjunction with letter sounds, everyone using Lucy Calkins as a main resource. Monique and Nicole will really focus on piloting small moments and poetry unit from the writing units of study.
        4. First Grade: Daily 5 (really daily 4!), building stamina, intentionally pulled out word work as a separate block, generating WW topics, power writing, newsbook every Friday, HWT, routines!
        5. Second Grade: Launching WW, topic lists, expert lists, heart maps, ready to start personal narratives. Routines for RW – building stamina, using RUOS as a resource.
        6. Third Grade: Word study – some doing groups, some whole group. Word sorts. Spelling City. Read-to-self. Writing personal narratives, small moments. Using lots of resources: Lucy Calkins, Grammar Island, Seravallo’s Reading Strategies Book.
        7. Fourth Grade: Lots of work this summer on spelling curriculum! Working to master Orton rules in the first semester. Rewrote grammar– focusing on editing their own writing. Lots of writing! Quick write one day, next day reviewing editing marks, the next day editing with a partner– so there is a progression. Starting with Shiloh novel study to work on reading routines. Will be launching some book clubs, strategy groups, and independent reading. YAY!
        8. Fifth Grade: Launching reader’s workshop model. Experimenting with what’s working and what’s not. Choosing good fit books, reading response, and routines. Also working on non-fiction reading strategies. Writer’s walks, jots, look for inspiration everywhere. Take a “fun” piece through the writing process quickly. Mini-lessons and non-fiction writing. Wordly Wise and spelling. Try out some open sorts to teach spelling rules. Do any wordly wise words fit into the spelling rules?
        9. Sixth Grade: Donald Crews author study! BigMama’s is the big personal narrative and Shortcut in the small moment. Using short stories to teach reading comprehension and writer’s craft. Will work on writing narratives. Reviewing grammar. Wordly Wise.
  6. Learned Words – Spelling Words.
